Parshas Vayishlach

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By Rabbi Shloimie Lindenbaum

קטנתי מכל החסדים ומכל האמת (פרק לב פסוק יא)

When Yaakov hears that Eisav is coming to kill him, he turns to Hashem in fervent prayer. He says “I have become small from all of the kindnesses and truth that You have done for [me]”. Rashi explains that that Yaakov was concerned that he had lost all merits of his good deeds because Hashed had done so much for him, and therefore he was afraid of his sins causing him to be given over to Eisav. Why were Hashem’s kindnesses a reason to be afraid of his sins? R’ Elya Baruch Finkel explains that when a person clearly sees that Hashem takes care of them and protects them, it demands a higher service of Him. The more a person becomes indebted to Hashem by recognizing His goodness, the more he must respond with greater adherence to the Torah. This was Yaakov’s intention, although his sins were not so severe, perhaps because of all the special protection that Hashem had given him, he would be punished for even slight errors. His appreciation for Hashem’s kindnesses made him realize how much he owes his Creator.

ותמת רחל ותקבר בדרך אפרתה (פרק לה פסוק יט)

Rochel died while giving birth to Binyomin, and Yaakov buried her on the road, not bringing her to חברון where the rest of the אמהות were buried. Chazal tell us that the reason for this decision was that Yaakov foresaw his children going into exile and having nowhere to turn. At that point they would pass by the קבר of Rochel, and they would have the opportunity to daven. Rochel would go and beseech Hashem to have mercy on her children and her prayer would be especially potent. The פסוקים in ירמיה describe how Rochel refuses to be consoled if her children are in exile. R’ Avraham Pam points out that the wording of the פסוק is “מאנה להנחם כי איננו”, “she refuses to be comforted for he is not here [in Israel]”. Although she is crying about all her children, she refuses to be consoled if even one member of כלל ישראל (איננו is in singular form) is missing. We must always remember that every individual is important and Hashem cares about each and every one of us, always longing for the day that all of us will be reunited in ארץ ישראל.



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