“What can I do for Klal Yisrael?”

With this question driving every move, the Kollel of Greater Boston teaches Torah to all and grooms the leaders of tomorrow.

This is where the Torah becomes yours. And you become the klal’s.


Jewish Educational
Institutions in Boston
founded by alumni


Alumni hold
positions in Boston


Alumni hold
positions across


Classes and
every week


years of inspiring
personal and communal
growth, since 1989

Men join the Boston Kollel to learn Torah.
They stay to spread Torah to the Klal.

The Kollel of Greater Boston has a goal: to develop rabbinic scholars who are qualified to become effective leaders and educators in the broader Jewish community.

When you learn in the Boston Kollel, you learn how to lead.

You get involved in the community shuls, the schools, the kashrus organizations. You have opportunities to give back to the klal and to gain experience helping guide a Jewish community.

Rabbi Bier and Rabbi Leff (since 2001), the Roshei Kollel, carefully select the kollel fellows. They tenderly push you just beyond your comfort zone. They show you how you can give back to the Jewish People. The Roshei Kollel are able to identify each individual’s positive qualities and give the kollel members positions that strengthen those qualities.

Around the globe, years after they sat in the halls of the Boston Kollel, alumni continue to impact Jewish communities.

Community Learning

These classes offer both traditional learning and engaging discussions with dynamic teachers. Come and explore how Torah and its teachings apply to leading a Jewish life in a non-Jewish world.

You’ll walk out the doors a changed person. (And then come back for more.)

Hear It From the Community:

The Great Unifier

The Kollel’s additional goal: to use Torah study as a catalyst to bring the community together.

The Kollel is a place where, no matter your dress, your background, or your views, you’re welcomed with open arms. It’s a place where every Jew experiences Torah on their level.

Since 1989, the kollel’s programs have been the catalyst for so much personal and communal growth for Boston’s Jewish community

Always Giving Back

With your support, the Kollel of Greater Boston will continue to educate the leaders of tomorrow and bring Torah to every member of the Boston Jewish community.