Parshas Vayikra

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By Rabbi Shloime Lindenbaum

ויקרא אל משה וידבר ה’ אליו מאהל מועד (פרק א פסוק א)

The פרשה begins by saying that Hashem called to Moshe and spoke to him from the Tent of Meeting. רבינו בחיי points out that although Hashem had told Moshe that He will speak to him from the Tent, Moshe, out of his tremendous humility, still did not approach the Tent with the Cloud of Glory until Hashem specifically called to him. R’ Elya Svei says that this was the key element which brought Moshe to all of his greatness- his humility. He uses this to explain an interesting מדרש. The מדרש says that Hashem told Moshe that there is a big job for him- to teach the Jews the rules of purity and sacrifices. R’ Elya says that besides for the simple meaning, the מדרש also means to say that Moshe was being commanded to teach the Jews purity of the soul and how to properly bring a sacrifice. The highest sacrifice that Hashem wants is for a person to recognize how much good Hashem gives to us and how we could never do enough to truly thank Him. Through this recognition a person will serve Hashem properly without looking for their own honor or benefit. This was an appropriate job for Moshe, as he was the עניו מכל אדם, he excelled in being humble and recognizing his position as a servant of Hashem.

ולא תשבית מלח ברית אלקיך מעל מנחתך (פרק ב פסוק יג)

We are commanded to bring salt together with every קרבן מנחה (meal offering). Rashi explains that salt is referred to as “salt of Hashem’s covenant” because when Hashem separated the upper and lower waters at the time of creation the lower waters felt bad as they were demoted. Hashem comforted them by promising that there will always be salt, which comes from the lower waters, brought to Him with the sacrifices. R’ Yaakov Kamenetsky asks, why did Hashem comfort the water through bringing the salt on the מזבח, why not serve with the water itself? He answers that the way salt is made is by the water evaporating and leaving the salt by itself on the ground (see Rashi in כתובות עט:). It could be said that the salt is the lowest part of the lower waters- because even after the rest of the water rises, the salt remains down below. And yet even the salt was chosen to be brought with the מנחה to show that there is קדושה even in the lowest of the low and that not necessarily does it follow that the higher entity is holier. This was an additional comfort to the water and a life lesson to all of us that regardless of who seems “higher”, everyone can access a connection to Hashem.


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