Parshas Nitzavim-Vayelech

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By Rabbi Shloimie Lindenbaum

למען ספות הרוה את הצמאה (פרק כט פסוק יח)

The Torah condemns a person who feels confident ignoring Hashem’s directives and following their own desires and whims. The פסוק ends off with an interesting phrase which the Ramban explains to mean, literally, “this will add the satisfied one with the one who desires.” The Ramban explains that the nature of a person is such that if they always give in to their base desires- even seemingly normal and innocent ones- they will begin to desire new things that they hadn’t before. These new things would have seemed distant and strange to them before, but it is axiomatic that once they start on the path of following their desires, it will lead them to want all sorts of strange things. The פסוק is therefore telling us that by following in the ways of one’s heart they will realize that the areas in which they were previously satisfied, they are now starving for more. R’ Elya Baruch Finkel points out that this natural tendency can also be used to our advantage. Every time a person involves themselves in Torah and Mitzvos, this raises them to a higher plateau of holiness. At this new level the person will have an easier time withstanding the struggles that they had experienced previously and will have access to greater attainments of קדושה. Just as an indulgent fellow will fall lower into the abyss of mindless desire, so will the one who strives for greatness achieve higher concepts of holiness as they accomplish more and more.

ואמר ביום ההוא הלא על כי אין אלקי בקרבי…ואנכי הסתר אסתיר פני ביום ההוא (פרק לא פסוק יז-יח)

The Torah tells of the person who has strayed off the path of the Torah and finds themselves in pain and sorrow. They then recognize that the source of their troubles is the lack of Hashem in their midst and afterwards Hashem says that He will hide his face from them. Many commentators are troubled, it seems this person has come around to תשובה- after all they recognize that they have forsaken Hashem, why does Hashem continue to hide? The Chidushei Harim quotes from R’ Bunim of Pshischa that the person who proclaims that Hashem is not with them has totally given up hope- they feel that because of their evil ways Hashem has totally forsaken them and does not want them anymore, hence they are experiencing pain. This is their sin that deserves Hashem hiding His face. A Jew must recognize that Hashem is always with them, especially when they are experiencing difficult times. A person should never give up, rather they can always do תשובה, and Hashem is always right there with them, hoping for them to come back.


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