Parshas Behar-Bechukosai

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By Rabbi Shloime Lindenbaum

אם בחקתי תלכו… (פרק כו פסוק ג)
The Torah promises that if a person follows the חק, decree, of Hashem, then they will merit a life of blessing. Rashi explains that the חק referred to is toiling in Torah. The Chasam Sofer explains where Rashi saw this in the word חק. He says that this term usually refers to a decree that we do not understand the reason for and has no clear benefit. One who studies Torah to merely know the laws does not have to exert endless effort and energy, rather they can set aside enough time to review the laws in a relaxed manner and then cease their studying. Only one who toils in Torah- that is they learn Torah for it’s own sake, just to be living and breathing the word of Hashem, has to endlessly work and push themselves to continue their holy work. This is something that doesn’t have any clear benefit or results. The person is not necessarily achieving more knowledge of the laws of Torah nor are they necessarily learning things that pertain to their daily life. Rather, they are studying Torah for reasons that are hard to understand- above all just because that is what Hashem wants them to do. This is a true חק and someone who learns in this fashion will certainly merit a life of blessing.

ונתתי גשמיכם בעתם (פרק כו פסוק ד)
Hashem guarantees that through us observing the Torah, He will send rain in the proper time. The literal translation of the פסוק, however, is that “I [Hashem] will send your rain in its time”. Why is it referred to as our rain? R’ Moshe Feinstein explains that the entire world was created for the sake of the person who does Hashem’s will. Therefore, by following the מצוות, the rain in some way belongs to the person because it was created entirely for that person. That is what the פסוק is teaching us by calling it “your rain”, that the creation of the world was for the purpose of those who follow Hashem’s Torah.


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