Anti-Semitism: Its Cause and the Antidote

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By Rabbi Naftoly Bier

We are living in uncertain times, when we are aware of a sharp rise in anti-semitic vitriolic incidents, and a general concerted effort to abuse the Jewish people who are the ones who have “represented” the idea of a monotheistic G-d for millenia.

בלעם הרשע states in Numbers 23:9, “…they (the Jewish people) are a nation that is separate, (dwells in solitude), amongst the nations they are not reckoned.”

The נצי“ב, Rav Naftali Zvi Yehuda Berlin זצ“ל (early 19th century) explains that the Torah is teaching us the fundamental dynamic of anti-semitism.

When the Jewish nation retains its singular, spiritual identity even when they are citizens in another country, they gain the respect and awe of their “hosts”. As the Torah states, Deuteronomy 28:10, “Then all the peoples of the earth will see that the Name of Hashem is proclaimed over you, and they will revere you.” But when we regretfully distance ourselves from our special status as Hashem’s “dearest chosen children” who were gifted the treasure of His Torah, we lose their respect. As Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch stated, “When the Jew acts in the manner of a non-Jew, anti-semitism rears its ugly head”.

When one compares a tree to a rock, the tree’s magnificent beauty and its growth pattern makes it incomparable to an ordinary rock. But when the tree is dying, lacking fruit or leaves, the rock is much more desirable. The tree actually now becomes displeasing in the eyes of the beholder.

This same principle applies to Klal Yisroel. We are gifted with a remarkable נשמה, soul, we are the beneficiaries of the true blueprint of exemplary living, the Torah. When we live accordingly, utilizing every moment of our existence to not only live with Hashem every moment, but also to promulgate His Torah to all of humanity, the world’s populace views us with incredulity, fascination, and enlightenment.

But when we seek to join a world order that is antithetical to our נשמה, our esteem is greatly diminished, the world saying it’s incomprehensible for this exalted people to fall into the deep abyss of lust, infatuation, glory, materialism, and dishonesty.

One can ask why; aren’t they joyous that we have joined their ranks? Hashem created a dynamic that עשו שונא את יעקב, that there is an innate hatred of the Jewish people. לבן , Laban, wanted to destroy the “league of G-d-abiding citizens” for every person wants the liberty to act on their own with no restrictions. To counter this, Hashem created the above dynamic (Deutoronomy 28:10) where people naturally respect those who represent true, spiritual, selfless living. But when this is foresaken by Klal Yisroel, the inner despisement of a spiritual life is evoked in the world.

When אברהם אבינו was instructed to become the אב המון גוים, to teach all of humanity the principle of a monotheistic G-d, he was told to circumcise himself, ברית מילה, as a means of being cognizant at all times, that despite his activity in the greater world, he should always know that he is to be different! When Klal Yisrael were initially in Egypt they resided only in Goshen, completely disengaged from the Egyptian population in order to protect their serene, inimitable lifestyle.This was due to Yosef HaTzaddik being the ruler; he prohibited any activity outside of their space. After his death, the Egyptian government permitted then to interact with the local inhabitants. Unfortunately Klal Yisrael, slowly but slowly, assimilated to a point that many abandoned their adherence to ברית מילה, circumcision. This in turn evoked a reaction that Pharaoh declared that we must find a way to rid themselves of the fictional, ‘made-up’ Jewish menace.

This idea of losing all respect when we immerse ourselves in their world is articulated by the נביא הושע, the prophet Hosea, 8:8. “Israel has been swallowed up (we gave up our spiritual uniqueness), now they have become amongst the nations like a useless vessel.” We are compared to fire, while the nations are compared to water. Fire can enhance water i.e. a delicious warm soup, purify contaminated water, while water can extinguish a fire. We are here to enhance the lives of others, otherwise we are in a state of danger of being חת ושלום, afflicted or persecuted.

How do we deal today with the increasing anti-semitism? Firstly, by recognizing the metaphysical cause, that our lives have to be defined by our complete allegiance to Hashem and His Torah; otherwise the world despises us. Though we can’t be perfect, we must value what our true task is.

Secondly, the ultimate digression is the lack of Torah study. The נביא הושע i 8:1-3, teaches us that “the enemy will swoop upon the Temple of Hashem… for they have rebelled against my Torah.” The Talmud Yerushalmi explains, to gain the love of Hashem necessitates not only devotion to the study of Torah, but extreme dedication to enabling others to do the same. If Klal Yisroel in the times of antagonism would dedicate themselves to Torah study and its dissemination, we would be blessed with Hashem’s mercy.

Today we witness with Hashem’s intervention, the unprecedented explosion of Torah study (as prophesized by זכריה הנביא, שלמה המלך, and ירמיה הנביא). We pray that it is the precursor to the coming of Moshiach speedily in our days.


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