Sun 7:05am
Mon – Fri 7:05am
Shabbos: 8 am
Sun – Thurs: 2:45 pm
Friday: Varies
Shabbos: Varies
Sun – Thurs: 9:45 pm
Motzei Shabbos: 1 hour after sunset
9:00am – 12:55pm
3:00pm – 6:15pm
8:00pm – 9:45pm
Kollel Office
Monday evening, 8:45pm
Join Rabbi Dovek shabbos mornings after davening for insights
and lessons from the weekly parsha.
Sunday – Friday, 6:00 – 7:15 am
Sunday mornings
9:30 – 10:30 am
Monday – Thursday, 10:15 – 11:15
Sunday morning, 9:00 am.
At Young Israel of Brookline
To join the Zoom invite list, contact
Thursday Evening, 8:55 pm
Sunday, 9:30 – 10:30 am
Sunday – Thursday, 9:15 – 9:45 pm
Every Motzei Shabbos, come learn with your son, enjoy some pizza, and participate in epic raffles!
Shabbos Afternoon, 30 minutes before Mincha
What better way to spend your Thursday nights than with your friends, eating cholent, learning? Come to the kollel Thursday, 9pm.
Friday, 12:00 pm
Tuesday, 8:00-9:00pm
Congregation Beth Yehuda, 889 Pleasant St, Worcester
Zoom: Password: 248365
“Learning one-on-one with one of the Kollel Yungerleit has often been the best hour of the week. It is a great opportunity to delve into the classic sources and to deepen my appreciation of the knowledge of Halacha, as well as being enriched by broader insights into Torah values.”
– Michael Markson, Brighton Resident
“As a Baal Teshuva who works in the secular world, I feel a constant pull away from Yiddishkeit. Through the shiurim, chavrusa learning, and socializing I partake in at the Kollel, I am able to resist this pull in a manner that would be far more difficult without the Boston Kollel. Thank you Kollel Rebbeim and staff.”
– Dr. Michael Schonberg, MD
“The Boston Kollel offers the unique opportunity to learn one-on-one with someone who is at a high level. I learned so much and I made a great friend.”
– Dr. Eric David Kramer, PhD
Have a question about classes, scheduling, or Zoom links? Email
and we’ll help you out..
Is there a topic you love? Do you have unanswered questions? Got your eye on a sefer you’ve always wanted to learn?
Get in touch with us. We’re open to suggestions!
כולל זכרון שרגא פייוול | Founded in Memory of Rabbi Phillip Cohen
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