Parshas Tsav
Print PDF By Rabbi Shloimie Lindenbaum אש תמיד תוקד על המזבח לא תכבה (פרק ו פסוק ו) The Torah commands us to constantly have a fire burning on the מזבח. The משנה in אבות tells us that there was a miracle in the בית המקדש that even though the מזבח was outdoors, the rain never […]
Emunah and Self Control
Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier In Vayikra, Levyticus 1, 8, Rabbeinu Bachaye explains the concept of sacrifices; “G-d takes delight in His most perfect creation, i.e. man, for whose sake the entire universe has been created. Their purpose is to be so governed by their intellect that they will remain free from sin just […]
Parshas Vayikra | Zachor
Print PDF By Rabbi Shloimie Lindenbaum ואם לא תגיע ידו די שה והביא את אשמו…אחד לחטאת ואחד לעולה (פרק ה פסוק ז) If one sins and is obligated to bring a קרבן עולה ויורד, their financial status determines what they need to bring as a קרבן. A wealthy individual brings a sheep as an אשם, […]
Purim: Its Impact on Jewish Life
Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier, Rosh Kollel Dovid Hamelech in Psalms Ch. 22:1 states, “למנצח על אילת השחר”. The Talmud in מס‘ יומא כט , Tractate Yoma 29a, quotes רב אסי , Rav Assi who explains that this refers to the period of אסתר המלכה , Queen Esther. Why is the metaphor “שחר”, “early […]
Parshas Pekudei
Print PDF By Rabbi Shloimie Lindenbaum אלה פקודי המשכן (פרק לח פסוק כא) After בני ישראל finished donating all of the materials needed for the משכן, and the craftsmen assembled it and the כלים, the Torah gives a detailed accounting of all of the donations and what they were used for. The מדרש says that […]
The Majestic Garments of the Kohen Gadol and Feasting on Purim
Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier, Rosh Kollel The Torah commands, “(Shemos 28:2) Make holy garments for your brother Aharon, for glory and majesty.” Why is it important that Aharon who is a spiritual giant, a person of saintliness, needs to wear majestic, royal garments? In what manner does it add to his selfless […]
Parshas Vayahkel | Shekalim
Print PDF By Rabbi Shloimie Lindenbaum ראו קרא ה’ בשם בצלאל וכו’ (פרק לה פסוק ל) Moshe announces that Klal Yisroel themselves can see that Hashem appointed Betzalel as the master architect of the משכן. R’ Moshe Feinstein asks, how were they able to see this? He answers that when Hashem bestows a person with […]
Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier, Rosh Kollel In פרשת ויהקל, Exodus 35, 21 it states: “And every man whose heart inspired him came, and everyone who’s spirit motivated him brought the option of Hashem for the work of the אהל מועד, the Tabernacle for all it’s labor and for the sacred vestments.” The רמב”ן, […]
Parshas Ki Sisa
Print PDF By Rabbi Shloimie Lindenbaum ויעשהו עגל מסכה ויאמרו אלה אלקיך ישראל (פרק לב פסוק ד) Just a short while after בני ישראל witnessed the wondrous miracles of יציאת מצרים (leaving Egypt), קריעת ים סוף (the splitting of the sea), and מתן תורה (the giving of the Torah), they fell terribly in creating a […]
Life Lessons from the “Golden Calf” Episode
Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier, Rosh Kollel One of the most puzzling, perplexing, bewildering portions of the Torah is the incident of the Golden Calf. How is it possible that after having witnessed Hashem’s presence at Har Sinai, that people would make the implausible act of violating a directive from Hashem as not to […]