Tisha B’Av: Regaining our Purpose

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier   In תהלים קל”ז , Psalms 137, Dovid Hamelech describes in painful detail the exile of the Jewish people from Eretz Yisrael, ציון , to the Euphrates River in Babylon. “By the rivers of Babylon- there we sat and also wept when we remembered ציון .” The Medrash שוחר […]

Parshas Matos-Masei

Print PDF By Rabbi Shloimie Lindenbaum   ואת בלעם בן בעור הרגו בחרב (פרק לא פסוק ח) Hashem commands the Jews to wage war against the מדינים as revenge for them intentionally causing the Jews to sin. The Jews killed all the males of מדין, and the פסוק adds that they killed בלעם by the […]

Impeccable Honesty

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier   In Chapter 32:1, the Torah introduces us to the discussion between Moshe Rabeinu, משה רבינו , and the tribes of Gad and Reuvain in the following manner: ומקנה רב היה לבני ראובן“ , And to the sons of Reuvain…” The question is, why does the Torah introduce the […]

Parshas Pinchas

Print PDF By Rabbi Shloimie Lindenbaum בני בנימין למשפחתם…אלה בני דן (פרק כו פסוק לח-מד) The Torah details a count of each tribe with the number of families [in the first generation] in a tribe and the total number of members. The tribe of Binyamin is counted as starting with seven major families, and in […]

From Disharmony to Harmony

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier In recognition of what פנחס, Pinchas, did to literally save the Jewish people from Hashem’s wrath, he was gifted with שלום, harmony (במדבר י:י״ב). Immediately preceding the Torah states “את בקנאו קנאתי” (י:י”א). “When he zealously with a flaming rage” demonstrated with palpable passion his singular, selfless dedication to […]

Parshas Balak

Print PDF By Rabbi Shimmy Sternfield   “מה טובו אהלך יעקב משכנותך ישראל”  (פרק כ”ד, פסוק ה) “How good are your tents Yaakov, your dwelling places Yisrael.” When בִלּעְםָ went to meet with בָלּקָ he intended to curse the Jews. Hashem, however, forced בִלּעְםָ to change his words and bless them instead. The גמְרָָא in […]

Anti-Semitism: Its Cause and the Antidote

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier We are living in uncertain times, when we are aware of a sharp rise in anti-semitic vitriolic incidents, and a general concerted effort to abuse the Jewish people who are the ones who have “represented” the idea of a monotheistic G-d for millenia. בלעם הרשע states in Numbers 23:9, […]

Parshas Chukas

Print PDF By Rabbi Shloimie Lindenbaum על גבול ארץ אדום לאמר (פרק כ פסוק כג) Klal Yisroel continue their journey through the desert, and they send a request to Edom (descendants of Eisav) to pass through their land. They phrase their question as a message from “your brother, Israel”. Immediately after their request is denied, […]

Are we the Greatest Generation

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier In פרשיות of בהעלותך, שלח, קרח, we have learned of the “mistakes” that our greatest ancestors made. As we study these events, we understand that these were the greatest of people who due to this, were held to supreme, perfect standards. But we are troubled. Who are we compared […]

Parshas Korach

Print PDF By Rabbi Shloimie Lindenbaum רב לכם בני לוי (פרק טז פסוק ז) Korach comes with his followers to complain that Moshe has taken too many honors for himself and his brother. Moshe commands them to come the next day with an offering of קטרות and Hashem will show whom He chooses to serve […]