Parshas Devarim
Print PDF By Rabbi Shimmy Sternfield הבו לכם אנשים (פרק א’, פסוק י”ג) “Prepare for yourself men…” R’ Yaakov Kamenetsky, זצ”ל, points out that although the Hebrew word for “man”, singular, is איש, the word for “men”, plural, is אנשים. Based on the usual rules of Hebrew grammar, the word for “men” should be אישים. […]
Tisha B’Av: Regaining our Purpose
Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier In תהלים קל”ז, Psalms 137, Dovid Hamelech describes in painful detail the exile of the Jewish people from Eretz Yisrael, ציון, to the Euphrates River in Babylon. “By the rivers of Babylon- there we sat and also wept when we remembered ציון.” The Medrash שוחר טוב, explains that until […]
Parshas Matos-Masei
Print PDF By Rabbi Shimmy Sternfield ומקנה רב היה לבני ראובן ולבני גד עצום מאד (פרק ל”ב, פסוק א) The children of Reuvein and Gad had abundant livestock- very great… The Torah tells us, that the שבטים of ראובן and גד had a lot of livestock. Upon seeing that the land of סיחון and עוג […]
Parshas Matos-Masei: Sensitivity
Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier In chapter 37:12, במדבר לא:ב, Hashem instructs Moshe Rabbeinu, “נקום נקמת בני ישראל מאת המדינים, take vengeance for the Children of Israel against the Midianites…” The Ramban explains that though Moshe Rabbeinu had appointed his disciple, Yehoshua, but until the Jewish people had actually crossed the Jordan River, he, […]
Parshas Pinchas
Print PDF By Rabbi Shimmy Sternfield פינחס בן אלעזר בן אהרן הכהן השיב את חמתי מעל בני ישראל בקנאו את קנאתי בתוכם (פרק כ”ה, פסוק י”א) Pinchas turned back My wrath from upon B’nei Yisrael when he avenged My vengeance among them… When בני ישראל sinned with the daughters of מואב, Hashem punished them with […]
Parshas Pinchas: True Dedication
Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier In במדבר כז:טז we find a unique פסוק, verse; in fact only once in the whole Torah is it mentioned “וידבר משה אל ה’ לאמר” “And Moshe spoke with sharpness, demand to Hashem, asking for a reply.” The word וידבר is used to connote demand, authority, position of power […]
Parshas Balak
Print PDF By Rabbi Shimmy Sternfield ויאמר אליו מלאך ד’ על מה הכית את אתנך זה שלוש רגלים הנה אנכי יצאתי לשטן כי ירט הדרך לנגדי (פרק כ”ב, פסוק ל”ב) The angel of Hashem said to him, “Why did you hit your donkey three times? Behold, I went out to impede, for you hastened on […]
Parshas Balak: We Are A True Manifestation of Hashem
Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier In the פרשיות of חקת, בלק, פנחס we learn of the grave importance of revering and respecting others, no matter their stature or the effort and time needed to do so. In פרשת חקת we learn of the passing of מרים הנביאה, Miriam the prophetess. Despite her stature both […]
Parshas Chukas
Print PDF By Rabbi Shimmy Sternfield זאת חקת התורה אשר צוה ד’ לאמר דבר אל בני ישראל ויקחו אליך פרה אדמה תמימה (פרק י”ט, פסוק ב’) This is the decree of the Torah… they shall take to you a completely red cow. In the beginning of the פרשה, the Torah introduces the מצוה of פרה […]
Parshas Chukas: Selfless Dedication
Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier The Torah says (במדבר י”ט:ב, Numbers 19:2), “זאת חקת התורה, This is the decree of the Torah which Hashem has commanded…” The Torah continues to inform us of the purification process that one who has become spiritually impure due to becoming in contact with a corpse, or entering specific […]