Parshas Bereishis: Resilience

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier The Yom Tov of Sukkos affords us an opportunity for seven days to be enveloped in Hashem’s world, completely transcending the mundane existence. Despite the fact, “ארבעים שנה אקוט בדור, For forty years Hashem was angry with us in the time we traveled in the מדבר, wilderness” (Psalms 95), […]

Sukkos: Journeys

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier The Alter of Kelm addressed an issue that many have pondered. Why is it that residents of one country or one hemisphere are constantly travelling to another country or another hemisphere? After all there is much to investigate and enjoy in one’s own country, not to mention the patriotic […]

Our Father, Our King

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier In the weekday שמונה עשרה, we beseech Hashem: סלח לנו אבינו כי חטאנו מחל לנו מלכנו כי פשענו כי מוחל וסולח אתה, “Forgive us, our Father for we have erred, pardon us (it means not to even harbor resentment) our King for (though) we have willfully sinned – for […]

The Gift of Rosh Hashana

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier At first it seems puzzling and incongruous as to why Rosh Hashana, the Day of Judgment precedes Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. Wouldn’t it be more logical to first articulate our past mistakes, sincerely regret them and proclaim to Hashem, “I will improve my ways” and then ask […]

Parshas Ki Savo: Human Greatness

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier מצוה תר”ג, the 607th commandment in the Torah, is undeniably one of the most unique and intriguing ones. The Torah instructs that on the last day of Pesach at מנחה both the fourth and seventh year of the שמיטה cycle, to articulate in the בית המקדש, Holy Temple, that […]

Parshas Ki Seitzei: Sensitivity

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier In this week’s פרשה, which contains the largest amount of מצוות, commandments (more than 10% of the 613); there are many that deal with one’s responsibility to another and to Klal Yisroel at large. Chazal teach us that in ספר דברים, Deuteronomy, there are important lessons to derive from […]

Parshas Re’eh: The Primacy of Torah

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier In this week’s portion, פרשה, we are “reminded” of our responsibilities towards the לוים, the Levites (and כהנים, priests). Though the Torah has commanded us to support them with the 24 gifts, כ”ד מתנות, to the כהנים, the priests and the mitzvah of giving the first ten percent of […]

Parshas Eikev: Fear of Hashem

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier In פרשת עקב, Deuteronomy 10:12, it states, “And now, Israel, what does G-d, your G-d, require from you? Only, to fear G-d (to stand in awe and trepidation of Him) your G-d, to walk in all His ways to love Him, and to serve Him, and to serve G-d, […]

Parshas Vaeschanan

Print PDF By Rabbi Shimmy Sternfield עלה ראש הפסגה ושא עיניך ימה וצפנה ותימנה ומזרחה וראה בעיניך כי לא תעבר את הירדן הזה (פרק ג’, פסוק כ”ז) Ascend to the top of the cliff and raise your eyes… and see with your eyes, for you shall not cross the Yardein. When משה Davened to Hashem […]

Parshas Vaeschanan: The Mutual Love Between Hashem and Klal Yisrael

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier In this week’s portion, פרשת ואתחנן, we are introduced to the מצוה of “ואהבת את ה’ אלקיך”, “and you should love Hashem your G-d” – your G-d written in the singular! In chapter 7:8, the Torah states, “Rather, because of Hashem’s love for you…”. What is meant by Hashem’s […]