Parshas Ki Sisa

Print PDF By Rabbi Shloime Lindenbaum ויעמד משה בשער המחנה ויאמר מי לה’ אלי ויאספו אליו כל בני לוי (פרק לב פסוק כו) R’ Shimon Schwab related that when he spent a Shabbos together with the Chofetz Chaim, the Chofetz Chaim asked him, “did you know that I am a כהן?” When R’ Schwab responded […]

Parshas Parah: The Eternal Lesson of the “Red Heifer”

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier Rav Shlomo Breuer זצ”ל, the son-in-law of Rav Shamshon Raphael Hirsch and disciple of the Ktav Sofer, offers a beautiful, profound and illuminating discourse on the profound lesson of the mitzvah of the פרה אדומה, the Red heifer. The mitzvah is perplexing in the manner it affects those who […]

Parshas Tetzaveh

Print PDF By Rabbi Shloime Lindenbaum The Baal Haturim points out in the beginning of this week’s פרשה that Moshe’s name is not found at all in our פרשה. He explains that after Klal Yisroel sinned with the Golden Calf, Moshe asked Hashem that if He does not forgive them then Moshe’s name should be […]


Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier In תהלים כ”ד:א, Psalms 2:1, it states, “למנצח על אילת השחר מזמור לדוד – To Him who grants victory, upon the strengthening power of day’s dawning, a psalm of Dovid.” The גמרא יומא דף כט explains that this Psalm is referring to the time of Queen Esther. Her era […]

Parshas Terumah

Print PDF By Rabbi Shloime Lindenbaum דבר אל בני ישראל ויקחו לי תרומה (פרק כה פסוק ב) Hashem commands Moshe to instruct the Jewish nation to donate money and materials for the purpose of building His משכן. The Beis Halevi explains that this mitzvah comes specifically after פרשת משפטים because that deals with dealings between […]

Parshas Terumah: The Purpose of the Mishkan

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier HaRav Yerucham Levovitz זצ”ל taught that in this week’s portion we are inculcated with one of the major lessons of spiritual life! The Torah delineates the exact measurements of the Mishkan (Tabernacle), the מנורה (candelabrum), the שולחן (table for the showbreads), the ארון (ark)… If one would change the […]

Parshas Mishpatim

Print PDF By Rabbi Shloime Lindenbaum אם כסף תלוה את עמי (פרק כב פסוק כד) One of the many mitzvos detailed in our Parsha is the mitzva of giving צדקה to poor people. R’ Chaim Shmulevitz says that from the specific way in which the Torah describes how to do this mitzva, we can deduce […]

Parshas Mishpatim: Freedom or Slavery?

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier Immediately after the giving of the עשרת הדברות at Har Sinai, the Torah introduces us to the mitzvah of the עבד עברי; a Jewish male who had stolen money and can’t pay back. He is “contracted” as an indentured servant for a period of up to six years. During […]

Parshas Yisro

Print PDF By Rabbi Shloime Lindenbaum ואתה תחזה מכל העם אנשי חיל וכו’ (פרק יח פסוק כא) Yisro advises Moshe that instead of him judging the entire Jewish people by himself, he should establish smaller courts to deal with the simpler cases. Only the most difficult cases will be brought to Moshe, after passing through […]

Parshas Yisro: Deliberation

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier The Torah says (18:13), “…And Moshe sat to judge, adjudicate cases for people, and they – the people – stood by him from the morning till the evening.” Rashi asks, “Was it possible? We are seeing that any judge that renders judgment that is rightful as truth demands it […]