Parshas Vayahkel

Print PDF By Rabbi Shloimie Lindenabaum   ששת ימים תעשה מלאכה (פרק לה פסוק ב) As introduction to the building of the Mishkan, the Torah reminds us of our obligation to rest on Shabbos from any creative activity- the very ones that are done to build the Mishkan. The pasuk tells us, “six days your […]

Aspiring for Perfection

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier The title seems an impossible dream. But we are taught by the רמב”ם, Maimonides, that every person can be as great as משה רבינו, our leader, Moses. (הל’ תשובה ה:ב) Rav Itsel explained that of course no person can attain the level of משה רבינו, but the meaning is that every person is obligated to aspire […]