Parshas Terumah
Print PDF By Rabbi Shloimie Lindenbaum אמתים וחצי ארכו ואמה וחצי רחבו (פרק כה פסוק י) The Torah lists in detail all the objects needed in the משכן, starting with the ארון, the Ark. All the measurements given for the ארון are in “halves”- 2.5 cubits long, 1.5 cubits wide, and 1.5 cubits high. […]
Selfless Dedication
Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier In מסכת ברכות כ”חי, Tractate Brachos 28b relates the following: When ר’ אליעזר, Rav Eliezer was on his deathbed his pupils entered to visit him. They said, “May our teacher please teach us the manner of living that will gain for us the life of the World to […]