Parshas Bo

Print PDF By Rabbi Shloimie Lindenbaum   דבר נא באזני העם וישאלו איש מאת רעהו… (פרק יא פסוק ב) Hashem asks Moshe to instruct Klal Yisroel to go to the Egyptians and ask to borrow their gold and silver. Rashi points out that Hashem expressed this as a request, almost a plea, because He didn’t […]

G-d’s ‘Mockery’

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier In פרק י, פסוק א-ב, Chapter 10, verse 1-2, it states: “…So that I (Hashem) can put these signs of Mine in his midst. And so that you may relate in the ears of your and your son’s son that I made a mockery of Egypt and my signs […]