Parshas Shemos

Print PDF By Rabbi Shloimie Lindenbaum ותקרא שמו משה ותאמר כי מן המים משיתהו (פרק ב פסוק י) When Basya, the daughter of Pharoah, finds a Jewish baby in the water, she takes him and raises him as her own. She gives him a name, Moshe- משה, referencing that she drew him out of the […]

The Gift of Prayer

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier The Ramban in  שמות  ג:י”ד  (Nachmanides, Exodus 3:14) teaches us an amazing concept. Moshe Rabeinu asked Hashem, in what manner can he relate to the Jewish people an identification of the Almighty that will be the definitive proof of His existence and providential interaction with all? Hashem answered, “Why […]