Parshas Vayeira

Print PDF By Rabbi Shloimie Lindenbaum   ויאמר כי את שבע כבשות תקח מידי בעבור תהיה לי לעדה כי חפרתי את הבאר הזאת (פרק כא פסוק ל) Our Parsha records a discussion between Avraham and Avimelech regarding the well of water that Avraham had dug which was subsequently seized by Avimelech’s servants. After they arrive […]

Chesed: Its Definition

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier   In 18:23 בראשית, after being informed by G-d that the depraved, wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah will be destroyed, Avrohom Avinu intercedes and prays to Hashem. It seems at first glance that his argument is; Should the righteous suffer? Then abruptly his argument is that all of […]