Parshas Chukas

Print PDF By Rabbi Shloimie Lindenbaum על גבול ארץ אדום לאמר (פרק כ פסוק כג) Klal Yisroel continue their journey through the desert, and they send a request to Edom (descendants of Eisav) to pass through their land. They phrase their question as a message from “your brother, Israel”. Immediately after their request is denied, […]

Are we the Greatest Generation

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier In פרשיות of בהעלותך, שלח, קרח, we have learned of the “mistakes” that our greatest ancestors made. As we study these events, we understand that these were the greatest of people who due to this, were held to supreme, perfect standards. But we are troubled. Who are we compared […]