It’s Solely G-d’s World

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier The episode of the מרגלים, the twelve “spies” sent by משה רבינו to scout the land of present-day Israel is fraught with many perplexing questions. They are introduced by the Torah as, “ראשי בני ישראל המה” (יג:ג) , “כולם אנשים “they are all distinguished people, the leaders of the […]

Parshas Shelach

Print PDF By Rabbi Shloimie Lindenbaum היש בה עץ אם אין…ולקחתם מפרי הארץ (פרק יג פסוק כ) Moshe sends the spies to scout out the land of Israel and instructs them to see if there is a tree and to bring fruit from the land. Rashi explains that the tree symbolizes a good and proper […]