Parshas Tazria

Print PDF By Rabbi Shloimie Lindenbaum אדם כי יהיה בעור בשרו שאת וכו’ (פרק יג פסוק ב) Our Parsha details extensively the laws of one who becomes impure with צרעת. The Medrash offers a parable to the wife of a king who enters his palace and sees various tools of torture hanging on the wall. […]

לשון הרע – Derogatory Speech

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier The גמרה ערכין טו: states: Rav Yossi the son of Zimra taught, “Whoever speaks לשון הרע, derogatory speech, malicious speech, will we afflicted by נגעים, (spiritual) leprous marks as it is stated (Psalms 101, 5) ‘Whoever defames his neighbor in secret, it will destroy him…’” We are being taught […]