The Repercussions of One’s Actions

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier. Rosh Kollel In this week’s פרשה, the Torah relates a discussion that took place between אהרן הכהן, Ahron, and משה רבינו, Moshe Rabeinu. The argument was if the he-goat was brought as the Rosh Chodesh sacrifice should have been eaten or burned, as Ahron had done. In 10, 16, […]

Parshas Shmini | HaChodesh

Print PDF By Rabbi Shloimie Lindenbaum ותקראנה אתי כאלה (פרק י פסוק יט) אהרן and his sons had three קרבנות to eat on the first day of the appointment of the משכן. In the end they lost נדב ואביהוא, their sons and brothers, which gave them a status of אוננים. Therefore, they correctly believed that […]