Parshas Vayahkel | Shekalim

Print PDF By Rabbi Shloimie Lindenbaum ראו קרא ה’ בשם בצלאל וכו’ (פרק לה פסוק ל) Moshe announces that Klal Yisroel themselves can see that Hashem appointed Betzalel as the master architect of the משכן. R’ Moshe Feinstein asks, how were they able to see this? He answers that when Hashem bestows a person with […]


Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier, Rosh Kollel In פרשת ויהקל, Exodus 35, 21 it states: “And every man whose heart inspired him came, and everyone who’s spirit motivated him brought the option of Hashem for the work of the אהל מועד, the Tabernacle for all it’s labor and  for the sacred vestments.” The רמב”ן, […]