Parshas Ki Sisa

Print PDF By Rabbi Shloimie Lindenbaum ויעשהו עגל מסכה ויאמרו אלה אלקיך ישראל (פרק לב פסוק ד) Just a short while after בני ישראל witnessed the wondrous miracles of יציאת מצרים (leaving Egypt), קריעת ים סוף (the splitting of the sea), and מתן תורה (the giving of the Torah), they fell terribly in creating a […]

Life Lessons from the “Golden Calf” Episode

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier, Rosh Kollel One of the most puzzling, perplexing, bewildering portions of the Torah is the incident of the Golden Calf. How is it possible that after having witnessed Hashem’s presence at Har Sinai, that people would make the implausible act of violating a directive from Hashem as not to […]