Parshas Vayechi

Print PDF By Rabbi Shloimie Lindenbaum ויאמר יוסף אל אביו בני הם אשר נתן לי אלקים (פרק מח פסוק ט) When Yaakov is approaching his final day on this world, he calls to Yosef to bless his children. Yosef comes with Menashe and Efraim and Yaakov asks him, “who are these people.” Although Yaakov knew […]

Honesty and Impetuosity

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier יעקב אבינו, our patriarch Jacob, before his death, blessed his sons. To ראובן he said, “Reuven, you were to have superior positions, that of kingship and priesthood. But due to water-like impetuosity, you forfeited both of them.” Though Reuven had thought he was acting virtuously in justifying his mother’s […]