Parshas Vayeishev: Shabbos Chanuka

Print PDF By Rabbi Shloimie Lindenbaum ויראו אחיו…וישנאו אותו…ויקנאו בו אחיו (פרק לז פסוק ד-יא) The Parsha begins by relating the strained relationship between Yosef and his brothers. First the שבטים are described as having hated Yosef because of the favoritism shown to him by Yaakov. This sentiment is repeated a few פסוקים later when […]


Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier, Rosh Kollel In על הניסים , the phrase recited when lighting the menorah, we declare, “that the whole of Chanukah these lights are holy and we are not permitted to use them, but rather only to look upon them in order to thank You and praise Your great name […]