Parshas Vayeira

Print PDF By Rabbi Shloimie Lindenbaum לושי ועשי עוגות…ויקח חמאה וחלב ובן הבקר (פרק יח פסוק ו-ח) When the מלאכים came to visit אברהם he hastily prepared a lavish meal in their honor. While he prepared the meat, he instructed שרה to ready the bread. Strangely, though, when he served the food, the bread is […]

Avraham’s Intercession with G-d Regarding Sodom

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier In פרק יח:יז, Chapter 18:17, the Torah states “וה’ אמר המכסה אני מאברהם אשר אני עושה” “And Hashem said ‘Shall I conceal from Avraham what I intend to do?’” Rashi explains, is it possible that I will destroy Sodom without his knowledge? I (Hashem) gave him this land, and […]