Parshas Nitzavim-Vayelech

Print PDF By Rabbi Shloimie Lindenbaum למען ספות הרוה את הצמאה (פרק כט פסוק יח) The Torah condemns a person who feels confident ignoring Hashem’s directives and following their own desires and whims. The פסוק ends off with an interesting phrase which the Ramban explains to mean, literally, “this will add the satisfied one with […]

Teshuva: Creating a New Perspective

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier The גמרה יומה פ”ו, Talmud Tractate Yuma 68b with regard to תשובה, repentance asks: What are the circumstances that demonstrate that one had completely and honestly repented? רב יהודה taught, if one has the opportunity to sin with the same woman (who he had sinned with previously) at the same […]