Parshas Devarim

Print PDF By Shloime Lindenbaum אלה הדברים אשר דבר משה..וחצרות ודי זהב (פרק א פסוק א) The Parsha begins with a lengthy description of the context in which Moshe is telling over the Torah to the Jewish People. Rashi tells us that the extensive wording is really filled with hints to all the various places […]

The Ultimate Cause of Exile

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier The תלמוד ירושלמי , the Jerusalem Talmud, מסכת יומא , asks, “In the time of the second בית המקדש , Holy Temple, the populace were diligent in Torah study, they had wonderful character traits, they were careful to observe all the מצוות , commandments, and to meticulously tithe properly, […]