Parshas Shelach

Print PDF By Rabbi Shoime Lindenbaum שלח לך אנשים ויתרו את ארץ כנען (פרק יג פסוק ב) Our Parsha begins with the מרגלים (spies) scouting out ארץ ישראל (Israel) before the Jews entered to conquer it. They came back with a terrible report about the land which resulted in the Jews’ losing faith that Hashem […]

Gaining Constancy

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier Why does the Torah juxtapose the story of the מקושש, the person (צלפחד) who violated the Shabbos with the mitzvah of wearing ציצית; the requirement to place “strings” on any four cornered garment? The answer is, “that at that juncture of time, Moshe Rabeinu said to Hashem, ‘It states […]