Parshas Behaaloscha

Print PDF By Rabbi Shloime Lindenbaum למה נגרע לבלתי הקריב את קרבן ה’ במועדו (פרק ט פסוק ז) When the Jewish nation was preparing to bring the קרבן פסח in the desert, a group approached Moshe and explained that because they were טמא (impure) they weren’t allowed to participate. They felt this was unfair and […]

The Path to Achievement

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier Prior to the giving of the Torah to Klal Yisroel at Mt. Sinai, all those that had an infirmity, i.e. lame, deaf, blind, were miraculously healed by the Creator. There is a discussion at what point was the gift taken away; was it at the incident of the Golden […]