Parshas Behaaloscha

Print PDF By Rabbi Shimmy Sternfield האנכי הריתי את כל העם הזה אם אנכי ילדתיהו כי תאמר אלי שאהו בחיקך כאשר ישא האמן את הינק (פרק י”א, פסוקים י”ב-י”ג) Did I [Moshe] conceive this entire people, or did I give birth to it, that You [Hashem] say to me, “Carry them as a nurse carries […]

Parshas Behaaloscha: Does Action Create Will or Does Will Create Action?

Print PDF By Rabbi Naftoly Bier HaRav Menachem Recanati (1223-1290) who wrote mainly kabbalah, explained that before the “sin” of אדם הראשון, Adam, one’s inner essence and focus was completely positive, though the outside environment contained negative influences. Subsequently after the “sin” the external influences became his essence and the internal self became ideas and […]